Padar Island, Komodo National Park (Credits: Jonathan Channing)

F**k You Komodo National Park!

A Survival Guide to Explore Komodo National Park.

Putu M. Wijaya


“Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before”

Dalai Lama

Last April I went to Komodo National Park, it was the best trip of my life so far. Soooo good, I can’t move on from the trip for a few weeks. So f**k you Komodo! F**k your turquoise waters! F**k your beautiful beaches! F**k your breathtaking view!

Here’s what I knew about Komodo National Park: The only place on known universe where you can meet Komodo Dragon. Here’s what I didn’t know: It will take my breath and steal my heart away.

After visiting Japan and Indochina on my previous trip, wandering around metropolis like Tokyo, Singapore and Bangkok, I realized that I’m not into cities. Appreciating ancient remains on Angkor Wat also not my idea of fun. I wanted a vacation that more into nature.

But not like when I was hiking Mt. Semeru and Mt. Penanggungan it’s too much pain, or when it just waters like Gili Labak or Kepulauan Seribu. I want both of hills and waters and Komodo National Park is the answer.

If you feel the same, then you are my audience.

Sunset Savanna on Kelor Island (Credits: Jonathan Channing)

How to Enjoy Komodo

Imagine a park composed by more than twenty islands, that’s how huge the Komodo National Park is. It took about one hour regular boat ride from nearest town, Labuan Bajo to enter the national park waters. We need more than a day to visit and enjoy all the best attractions on the national park.

So how to make the most of your trip to Komodo National Park? Stay with me, keep scrollin’.

1. Trip Organizer Is Your Best Friend

I didn’t call myself a traveler, I’m more comfortable with the word vacationer. When you are like me and just want to enjoy your limited balance of paid-leave to the max, hire a trip organizer. It’s not that expensive when you appreciate the art of ‘travel’ comfortably.

I paid about Rp. 2.000.000 per person ($ 150 local, $ 167 foreigner) for 12 people, 4 days 3 night trip. It includes airport transfer, a comfortable hotel room for one night, all foods during trip, snorkeling kits, National Park fee, guide, boat and crew.

2. Live Like A Sailor

Don’t just hire a trip organizer, hire those who offer live-aboard island hopping package. By living on a boat for the whole trip you can enjoy the most of the national park, you are guaranteed to visit the best island, beaches, snorkeling and diving spots.

Don’t worry about the accommodation, most of the live aboard boat is comfortable. There is kitchen, beds, bathrooms with fresh water and large upper deck for hanging out.

3. Four Days and Three Nights is Ideal

No less but a little longer would be nice.

Do You See Something Dangerous?

4. Go With People You Feel Comfortable

There’s a open trip and private trip option. I took the private trip option, because I prefer to spend (my limited) time with people I know rather than random strangers.

5. Disconnect to Connect

In the middle of Komodo National Park, wherever you spin your head to, your eyes will be indulged by it’s beauty. So there’s no reason to stick your eyes on black mirror and scroll to the endless social media feed.

Getting Along With Kanawa Island Resident (Credits: Dwi Anom)
Pinkish Beach, Clear Water (Credits: Jonathan Channing)
Hundreds Bats leaving Their Nest (Credits: Kezia Wepe)

6. Be Like A Champion

Komodo National Park known of it’s hot and dry climate, rugged hills and rich marine biodiversity. Enjoying all Komodo has to offer require a fit body, because we need to hike a hill to fully witness how amazing the sunrise-sunsets are, also we need to swim in the waters to see the marine life.

7. Be Total on Capturing Moments

Your future you will thank when you bring go pro (with waterproof case) and drones. iPhone camera is decent enough, but with go pro and drones you can capture your moments from extreme angle, which is epic. (watch the video below)

8. Learn to Say Goodbye and Move On

Learn how to do it ASAP. Don’t be like me, I had a hard goodbye and have to deal with post vacation blues.

Good Morning Captain! (Credits: Jonathan Channing)

It’s a great trip, but…

I’m deeply regret my decision to visit Komodo, it was gorgeous AF. Komodo National park should be saved for the last, as final destination. Now I don’t know where else is in Indonesia which is more beautiful and have all I want in one place.

On the other side I feel blessed and delighted because I had beautiful time in beautiful place with beautiful people. A lovely and perfect combination.

Here’s the video, spoiler alert!

“Traveling — it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller”

Ibn Battuta

Sincerely, a boy who’s struck with how awesome the world is.

I dedicated this post to:

Dwi & Cecile, who made me to book the flight right away after I turning down my will to go to Komodo.

Eriko Iso, who travelled half the globe to join this trip.

Jonathan & James, for the gorgeous photos and drone.

Kezia, Krisna, Nicko, Cecilia T, Catherine, Regina, for the wonderful moments we share.

Akbar & The Boat Boys, for the amazing trip and food we have on board!

Komodos, for not biting us.

One last thing. If you enjoyed this article, please hit that green heart button below. That would be awesome!

Yes Komodo National Park is beautiful, once again it made me proud of my beautiful country — but over proud of what we have is not wise, here’s why:

