Making a Better MRT for Jakarta

Improvements for a faster, efficient, and delightful commute.

Putu M. Wijaya
4 min readJan 24, 2020

As per January 2019, Moda Raya Terpadu Jakarta (MRTJ) has been in operation for nine months. I’ve been using MRTJ for commuting since September 2019. My main reason for using MRT is to cut commute time, breathe less Jakarta pollution, and to withdraw myself from contributing to Jakarta’s legendary traffic jam.

Compared to other public transportation (Trans Jakarta buses and Commuter Lines), MRTJ main selling point is its speed and punctuality. My experience so far is excellent; the train leave and arrive on-time, the station is clean, the cabin is spacious and well air-conditioned.

Can the experience of using MRT be better? Of course. After using MRTJ for five days a week in four months, I have found a few annoyances that don’t align with their main selling point.

Pain point #1: Arriving at the platform right when the train is leaving.

It’s not the passenger who was born unlucky, it is the product of not-user-oriented experience design. I see a lot of people fall in this situation, including myself.

Why is this a problem?
If this happens, the passenger should wait 5–10 minutes for the next train. Personally, this…

